NEWSLETTER – Sacha Warmi Foundation, November 2021.
“SACHA TAKI: Voices and Songs of the Rainforest” Saving an endangered Biocultural World Heritage The soundscape heritage of the bio-cultural diversity of Pue Agro-biodiversity and
“SACHA TAKI: Voices and Songs of the Rainforest” Saving an endangered Biocultural World Heritage The soundscape heritage of the bio-cultural diversity of Pue Agro-biodiversity and
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This program, holistic in its approach, seeks to support the Amazonian Indigenous Kichwa people of the Lower Kuraray River in their efforts to
Cultural Economy to Reduce Contamination Thanks to the generous support of the EarthWays foundation, Rosa was able to begin a new initiative called “Cultural Economy
Supporting the reevaluation of indigenous health systems in Amazonia. Presentation by Didier Lacaze to the International Conference: Sacred Plants in The Americas. April 25, 2021.
In March 2021 the manifestation “Sacha Taki- Voices and Songs of the Forest: Biocultural Landscape of the Kawsak Sacha People has been registered in the