

Sacha Taki – Voices and Songs of the Forest

In collaboration with the Pueblo Ancestral Kichwa Kawsak Sacha (PAKKS), an indigenous organization in the province of Pastaza, this project addresses the conservation of biological diversity and the preservation of cultural diversity. These factors are considered as they contribute to human health improvement. We achieve this by recognizing and documenting the existence of the sound heritage which links culture and nature. Our primary objective is to apply for a declaration of the territory and culture of PAKKS as Cultural-Natural Heritage by the Ecuadorian State. This declaration will enable it’s the region’s subsequent recognition in one of the UNESCO heritage lists.

Another objective is to increase people’s capacities here to defend their rights as individuals and as groups, also helping them to conserve their territories’ natural resources. Furthermore, this program encourages the reevaluation of cultural knowledge and improves general health and living conditions of the people living in the 7 communities represented by the organization Pueblo Ancestral Kichwa Kawsak Sacha (

Photo Paola Moscoso
Illustration So Zapato

Current situation and perspectives of the Sacha Taki proposal (October 2021)

Sacha warmi continues to accompany and support the organization “Pueblo Ancestral Kichwa Kawsak Sacha” (PAKKS) so that they can make their voices and the songs of the jungle heard throughout the world.

For this purpose, the communication program of the organization has been created with its own web page ( and Facebook page (

Photographic equipment has been given to the communities to collect audio-visual material, as well as recording equipment to collect sounds from the forest, the river, as well as from their people in the community.

From the lower Curaray river basin, the community technicians send the materials they have gathered to the city of Puyo, capital of the Pastaza province. This is where the PAKKS office is located and where two young Kichwa are in charge of processing these materials for dissemination through social networks and their website.

Between February and July 2021, with financial support from the University of Sussex and the coordination of Paola Moscoso, a documentation process was carried out and ended with the production of audio-visual materials such as the documentary “Sacha Taki: Songs and Voices of the Rainforest”, made by Gustavo Chiriboga, and the illustrations made by So Zapato (see image on the right), among others. These material were presented at the event “Sacha Taki: Songs of the Forest”, organized by Alice Eldridge, on November 11th.

We express here our special thanks for their support to: Alice Eldridge (Reader in Sonic Systems, University of Sussex – UK), Paola Moscoso (Independent researcher – Ecuador), Gustavo Chiriboga (Film maker – Ecuador), So Zapato (Illustrator – Ecuador) and Paccha Turner Chuji (Translator) for their contributions in  support of the communication program of Pueblo Ancestral Kichwa Kawsak Sacha.  

The implementation of the SACHA TAKI proposal is a process under construction, which requires time and patience for its full appropriation by the kawsak sacha people, and to have a tool that allows them to make heard and known, value and defend the biocultural diversity of their territory.

Sacha Warmi is a companion in this process, a partner that provides support so that the kawsak sacha people can continue to lead on their own the SACHA TAKI proposal and thus achieve their aspirations, that is, to have a conserved territory – sumak allpa, with ancestral knowledge – sacha runa yachay, and what they consider is to live well – sumak kawsay.

This project is being supported by EarthWays Foundation -USA.

Thank you for your support and solidarity
The Sacha Warmi team