Cultural Economy to Reduce Contamination
Thanks to the generous support of the EarthWays foundation, Rosa was able to begin a new initiative called “Cultural Economy to Reduce Contamination”, in collaboration with an organization of Kichwa female ceramicists, Uru Warmi, in Canelos.
This project supported the Uru Warmi Association to make 2,250 pieces of tableware ceramics to donate to various indigenous organizations.
Another goal of this project is to affirm indigenous culture and support the transmission of ceramic making skills to the next generation.
This project is also being implemented with a group of ceramicists females from the community of San Antonio in the land of the Association of Indigenous Communities of Arajuno, ACIA.
Ceramic workshop guided by expert ceramicist Clementina Malaber (second right) for the women of San Antonio.
Sacha Taki: Songs and Voices of the Forest
Again, due to the generous support of the EarthWays Foundation, we were able to continue working on Sacha Taki, project with Pueblo Ancestral Kichwa Kawsak Sacha. The kind support of this foundation enabled us to visit and meet with 6 communities between Río Curaray, the Yana Yaku community, and Río Pinduk.
Because of its recognition of the unity between culture and nature and the sounds which connect them both, Sacha Taki became eligible to be nominated under Cultural Heritage of Ecuador. With its focus on the conservation of biocultural diversity, Sacha Taki’s goal is to strengthen the cultural identity of the people as well as to defend and conserve the territory through the collective construction of a life Plan.
Sacha Taki: Cultural, Immaterial Heritage
We created a communication program within the Kawsak Sacha community to help them showcase the conservation work they have done in the past 28 years. We did this by delivering audio recorders and cameras in four communities and one computer to the Puyo headquarters office of the organization in Puyo. Two Kichwa young adults are now trained to run the communication program by maintaining the new web page, editing short videos and posting updates on the Facebook page.
We invite you to visit the Kawsak Sacha web page to learn about the biological diversity, the life, the achievements and problems which currently affect the Ancestral Kichwa Kawsak Sacha Community.
Creating a Communication Program for Kawsak Sacha
In March, the manifestation “Sacha Taki – Voices and Songs of the Forest” was officially registered within the Nacional Information System of Cultural Heritage of Ecuador (SPICE – Código: IM-16-01-59-000-016641)
Sacred Plants in the Americas Conference
“Reassessment and strengthening of traditional Indigenous health systems”
-D. Lacaze
This presentation highlights some of the advances and setbacks of a four-decade project that entitles indigenous peoples to design and conduct their own health programs and projects. It also raises some of the challenges of the interculturality proposal under construction.
Workshops on Indigenous health and medicine with Shuar and Kichwa women
In May, we hosted workshops for various groups of Shuar and Kichwa women on the extraction of essential oils and soap making.
Workshop on natural soap-making with the Kichwa women from the collective “Awana” (Union Base, May 23rd.)
Women’s group from the Training School “Yapit” of the Shuar Federation from Pastaza -FENASHP. At Sacha Warmi center, May 29th)
Visit to the community of Yana Yaku (June 1-6)
What we did…
In early June we visited the Yana Yaku community, located on the Pinduk Yaku River bordering the Zápara territory (about one hour away by plane).
For 3 days we discussed the Sacha Taki proposal with the entire community as well as their Life Plan, which is under construction.
The Kawsak Sacha territory, located in the lower basins of the Kuraray and Pinduk Yaku rivers, is one of the best preserved in the Pastaza, with many of the animals sensitive to human presence, such as macaws, curassows, monkeys, tapir, peccaries, among others, attesting to the great commitment of the Yana Yaku community to care for and conserve the biodiversity of their territory.
A woman president of the Association of Indigenous Communities of Arajuno – ACIA
El 28 de mayo, nuestra compañera Diana Tanguila, directora del Programa de Emprendimientos Económicos de Sacha Warmi, fue elegida presidenta de la Asociación de Comunidades Indígenas de Arajuno -ACIA; ella es la primera mujer presidenta después de 42 años de existencia de la organización.
Now Sacha Warmi is providing technical advice to ACIA’s Governing Council on the issues of collective rights and organizational strengthening, intercultural health and food autonomy.
“Florasana, sharing 15 years of life and experience”
Our deepest thanks to all the people who have made it possible to carry out this important work.
And thank you for supporting us to continue responding to the demands and needs of the indigenous communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon.