“It is through these songs that we communicate with the jungle and its guardian spirits, to call to the animals of the forest or the fish of the river, to invoke or promote the fertility of the gardens, to cure evils and diseases, so that there may be peace among families, remembering and transmitting the teachings left by our ancestors, to live well together. They are like roads and bridges that reconnect us with both our history and our origins. Living beings in the jungle express the life that is manifested through their existence in their own way. Together, our songs and theirs celebrate life. This suite of songs is like a symphony which took thousands of years to write. It is a unique and invaluable creation, which we cannot permit to be destroyed or to disappear.”
(“Sacha Taki – Voices and Songs of the Forest”)
To support indigenous peoples and organizations in the Ecuadorian Amazon to fortify and revitalize traditional systems, especially those of education and health.
Our vision is rooted in the intersection of health, culture and nature.
Sacha Warmi promotes a critical reflection on issues related to interculturality, especially supporting the construction of «original health»(salud propia) and intercultural programs among indigenous populations in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
To see more on video, check our YouTube channel:
We are a group of people with training and experience in the fields of indigenous health, first response health care, biology, anthropology, administration and civil engineering. Our team is integrated with three kichwa indigenous members and two non-indigenous members, three women and two men.
As a reference, documentation and information center on indigenous health and traditional medicines, Sacha Warmi promotes the cultivation and processing of medicinal plants, the reforestation and regeneration of degraded ecosystems, intercultural sensitization and education. Its main objective is to raise awareness among indigenous and non-indigenous peoples on the importance of maintaining a respectful and harmonious relationship between culture and nature in order to maintain good health and «living well». Sacha Warmi Centre is open to any public interested in learning about what we do. To visit us, please call 0979771049 or 0993297690 or write to us at:
We support the programs and projects proposed by indigenous populations regarding the recovery of traditional knowledge and practices, in order to strengthen their cultural systems and help improve their health and life conditions in general:
1. Education – Training.
2. Promotion Cultural Sensitization.
3. Participative Research.
4. Sustainable Economy.
We developed our projects together with communities based on deep dialogue and reflection processes. We call this «participatory action research». Projects can only be successful if there is a clear awareness and a full commitment by communities and project teams. The role of the Sacha Warmi Foundation is to facilitate, accompany and support these processes.
For the revitalization and promotion of the use of medicinal plants, with a focus on the construction of indigenous and intercultural programs, the Waorani Organization of Pastaza -OWAP requested Sacha Warmi to train members of their communities of the Curaray and Ishpingo rivers in the elaboration of improved natural remedies.
Tradicional Foodways of the Amazonian Kichwa
Newsletter – Sacha Warmi Foundation, November 2022 Strengthening endangered traditional food systems Faced with the various social, cultural and economic changes generated by development, we continue to accompany and support women, men, youth and children of the Association of Indigenous Communities of Arajuno -ACIA, and the Tzatzapi Community (Canelos) to
Con 35 años de experiencia trabajando sobre el tema de la salud indígena, Didier (62) ha dedicado una buena parte de su vida en apoyo a la revitalización de sistemas culturales indígenas, acompañando a diversos pueblos y organizaciones de la Amazonia peruana y ecuatoriana en la construcción e implementación de sus planes de vida. Pero aún queda mucho por hacer. Didier, sigue convencido del inmenso valor que encierran los sistemas de salud indígenas y las medicinas tradicionales en la Amazonia; No solo para ayudar a los pueblos indígenas en recuperar una mejor salud y una vida más digna, sino también porque constituyen un legado importante para toda la humanidad.
“Desde mi niñez he sido educada con valores y principios de la cosmovisión indígena. Crecí en un núcleo familiar de grandes sabios (Banku-Yachak) kichwas oriundos de la provincia de Napo y fundadores de lo que hoy es el Cantón Arajuno, en la Provincia de Pastaza. Mis dos abuelos (Pablo López y Vicente Tanguila) eran conocidos por poseer grandes poderes para curar enfermedades tomando el Ayawaska”. Diana se considera una mujer kichwa comprometida en fortalecer la cultura en las comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades de Pastaza a través de emprendimientos interculturales comunitarios que generen economía para sus familias. De esta manera se puede evitar la migración del campo a la ciudad para buscar trabajo, siendo esto uno de los factores detonantes de la erosión biocultural. Actualmente gracias a su profesión en el área de finanzas, lleva a cabo un emprendimiento asociativo de carácter textil en Arajuno “ASOTEXKICH”, que genera fuentes de trabajo para unas 20 personas (mujeres y jóvenes kichwas) en situaciones de vulnerabilidad.
Bióloga con experiencia en etnobiología- énfasis etnobotánica. Especialista y Maestra en Desarrollo Rural. Con valores y principios éticos aplicados al fortalecimiento de los saberes, conocimientos y prácticas de los pueblos con los que he tenido acercamiento. Convencida de la importancia de los saberes holísticos de los pueblos originarios y sus valores culturales, como principio directriz para el cuidado y conservación de la naturaleza. Agradecida con el Pueblo Nasa de Tierradentro, en las montañas de los Andes del Sur Occidente Colombiano, con quienes he aprendido de su lucha y fuerza política para la permanencia de los pueblos.